Pedigree for “Caicos”

Tradewind’s Caicos


The above pedigree does not list all Championships. Some of the dogs listed as Champions are Champions in more than one country. In the United Kingdom and Europe Championships are more difficult to obtain on dogs than they are in AKC shows. Breeders over there depend on pedigrees and the conformation of individual dogs, not titles, when deciding to breed them. It’s amazing when researching pedigrees how many times some of the bassets listed above that aren’t Champions were used by many different breeders. Here in the United States we tend to use AKC Championships more often when deciding on which dogs to breed.

Most of the basset hounds in Caicos’ pedigree were bred to the current and former Kennel Club (UK) Standards for basset hounds. While this Standard is not significantly different from the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds I’ve included a copy of the 2009 Kennel Club (UK) Standard and the 1989 Kennel Club (UK) Standard on this website for those who are interested to review. I have also included the FCI Standard for Basset Hounds because it’s used in many European countries and some of the basset hounds in his pedigree were bred to that Standard.

Additional Pedigree for Caicos

Caicos Pedigree 2

Individual Pedigrees for Caicos’ sire and dam can be found at:

Ch. Bassbarr Clubclass

Dazzler v Hollandheim

This online pedigree database is used by many European breeders and a few in the United States. The database show pedigrees. It includes a lot more information including other litter mates, half brothers and sisters and progeny of most of the basset hounds in Caicos’  pedigree. We have spent literally hours researching all these bassets. We, at Woebgon Bassets, have entered just a few of our basset hounds into this database. Perhaps in the future we’ll have the time to even more to it.

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.

He can be reached at

All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock

All rights are reserved